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Thursday, February 07, 2008

Lucy turns ONE!

I spent a lovely morning at Lucy's house today shooting her one year photos. I love shooting in clients' homes because not only are children most comfortable in their own homes but home is real life. I hope that someday these photos will be treasured by Lucy when she grows up and she gets a little sneak peek back into what her life was like as a baby. Congratulations on turning one sweet little Lucy!

The morning didn't start out so well due to a stubborn ol' little cold, but Cheerios always make things better... especially off the floor! I went a little crazy with choosing photos, but I know that grandma and grandpa are in town and would appreciate an extended preview. :)

The last two photos are a little foreshadowing of exciting new things to come!

1 comment:

Erin Johnson Photography said...

This last photo is outstanding! You should totally run with this idea.

cheers, erin