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Tuesday, January 01, 2008

A New Year... a rested me

I had such a wonderful, relaxing holiday break. I enjoyed time with my family, did some shopping, watched a lot of TV, and ate terribly! It's back to work for me and I feel like I'm going into this year with a clean new slate. After the holidays is usually a pretty slow time for photographers but I am excited to say that I have shoots scheduled, a wedding this Saturday, and lots of meetings with potential new brides lined up. I am actually second shooting the wedding for my friend Heidi and I'm so excited to work with her again! I think we make a great team and wish we could team up for every wedding but she's moving to Seattle this summer.

I had a few guilty pleasures over the break:

Deal or No Deal. I know this show has been popular for awhile now, but I never really followed the hype. There are always reruns on CNBC so I happened to catch it a few weeks ago and now I am officially addicted! I don't know what it is, but I like to play along and I firmly believe that I could be an outstanding case-picker! I find myself screaming at the TV when they pick a certain case and it's always a large dollar amount that they pick. I have my own little theories and it's fun to play along.

House Hunters on HGTV. I don't know what it is about this show either but I love to watch it! I love to see all of the different houses and try to guess which one they're going to choose.

Property Virgins on HGTV. I love the host of this show. I also like seeing the naive first-time homebuyers who turn down a house because of a border on the wall, or an ugly piece of furniture that the seller has. I remember thinking like that when we first looked at houses and know so much more now!

Reduced fat Pringles. My husband picked these up one day and I like to enjoy them while watching the shows above. It's horrible, I can go through a can in just a few days. I actually prefer the taste of the reduced fat kind, so I've got that going for me but that really doesn't excuse the junk food consumption!

I do have a date with the gym later today!

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