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Thursday, January 10, 2008

A Glimpse of the Beginning...

I have been an insane workaholic this week! I have been up until 3 am almost every night this week (besides the night my husband MADE me go to bed at 10:30!). I'm so excited, I'm working on updating galleries on my website, new business cards, print materials, albums... basically everything Olivia Wagner Photography! I'm quite obsessed!

Owen didn't have school today and requested that we watch old home movies. I love doing this but it makes me sad to see how fast time flies! I only wish I had gotten into photography sooner so I could have captured my kids better at a younger age, but at the same time, they were my inspiration to do photography! When Aidan was 1, he had this head of big curly hair and it reminded me of the following photos. I shot these just 3 days after purchasing my first camera in August 2005. Owen was 3 and Aidan was 18 months. My friend and I got together so I could snap a quick portfolio to show potential clients. The shoot lasted for about 30 minutes before it started raining. I actually shot these in black and white on my camera (before I knew anything about Photoshop and realized I could easily convert them!).

It's pretty crazy how I started out my business. I bought my camera one weekend, and was booking clients the following weekend solely based on these photos! It all snowballed from there. BTW- just so you don't think I deceived my clients... I let everyone know that I was just starting out and looking to build a portfolio. I charged $75 per session for two sessions, then raised my rates to $125.

The photo with all of the kids looking through the railing was NOT staged! There was a boat coming down the river and all of the kids stopped to look out and see it. They happened to be standing spaced evenly apart and in order by height!

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