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Thursday, May 17, 2007

Aero Systems Engineering

I spent the morning out at Fleming Field in S. St. Paul. My friend Jamie who used to work with me at Ameriprise, contacted me to cover the 40th anniversary celebration for the new company that she works for. Aero Systems Engineering designs and creates wind tunnels and test cells for airplanes. It is really amazing what they do.

The employees were shuttled to Fleming Field in coach busses and treated to a wonderful looking breakfast. The pancake cook was the main attraction. He had a special griddle and dispenser and could cook dozens of pancakes at a time. He kept everyone on their toes by flipping their pancakes to them while they caught them with their plate! It was so funny to watch as hardly anyone was prepared to catch their breakfast. We wrapped up the shoot with an all employee team photo in front of a B-25 bomber on the tarmac. Congratulations guys!

Everyone had their team T-shirt on:

The celebration took place in the actual hangar:

The pancake catching gallery (click to enlarge), he was even launching them across the room!:

Inside of the bomber:

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