Glory and Hattie are going to be big sisters! Susie is due with #3 and doesn't she look great?! I had so much fun with this family and the girls were just too cute.
Aidan didn't want to wear the hat so I talked him into wearing it for "just a few pictures." I shot this session in about 5 minutes! Hey- sometimes you have to take what you can get.
I love my iMac more and more each day! I couldn't be happier that I made the switch over from PC... especially after I was trying to help a friend on the phone today with her PC. It hasn't even been a year, but I completely forgot what a pain in the butt Windows can be. Sorry PC users! I keep finding out more and more and cool things on my Mac and I'm sure I haven't even scratched the surface of what it can do yet.
My new favorite discovery is Stickies. I am a Post-it note QUEEN... and my desk is constantly cluttered with things I jot down. I make lists for everything and sometimes just write down random thoughts or ideas. After a typical work week, my desk is cluttered with random pieces of paper with writing all over them. Stickies are digital notes that are posted up on your screen! They're so awesome! You can also change colors and fonts. Now, I have a permanent note up of my to-do list for the day and as I get things done, I can just delete them off the note. No more stacks of little papers cluttering my desk!
Here is a screen shot of what it looks like on my desktop:
Jack is a new big brother! I first met Jack at one of my all day Fall photo shoots and the poor little guy had a broken leg. He's all grown up now and helping mom out with baby Ari.
It's been such a busy week but I'm getting back on track! I caught a bad cold from my boys so it's been a rough couple of days.
Baby Mena came to visit me last week. She is my cousin's little cousin and the newest addition to the family. Big sister Evie and big brother Eddie will be looking out for her. These kids are just so adorable! Thanks so much for coming down to my studio!
My sweetie turns 4 today at 8:37 pm. No recent photo to post... I've got his b-day outfit coming in the mail so I'll be doing his shoot sometime this week.
I continue to be insanely busy! Each day I have a huge list of tasks and there just isn't enough time in the day to get half of them done. I'm sorry if you're still waiting to see your photos from last week. Just know that it's killing me not to have them up yet!
I booked two more weddings today and guess what? One of them is in Cabo! I'm going to Mexico baby! I'm SO excited... my first destination wedding!
More to come on that... for now I've got to get to sleep. Busy day tomorrow and it's my birthday boy's big day!
... this is what I looked like! This photo was taken the day before I gave birth to Aidan and is one of very few pregnancy photos that I have. Some people don't believe that it's real but believe me- that was him in there! My belly was so huge! And yes... tomorrow is Aidan's 4th birthday! Yikes... that means I have a party to plan. :)
My friend Eliesa competed in Fashion Fight Night, an event featuring six Twin Cities photographers. There were three matches, with two photographers competing at the same time. Each photographer had their own hand picked team of assistants, a professional model, hair, make-up, etc. There was three, three-minute rounds to shoot, with five minutes in between to change looks. After each round, the photographer had to hand over their memory card to the judges and the images were immediately uploaded and shown on a big screen. Talk about pressure! Eliesa competed in the last match, and ended up tying with the other photographer with a rematch set for next year.
She was so awesome, she had the crowd going crazy and definitely put on the best show of the night! This was totally her element and she just rocked it like she does with everything else.
Here is a slideshow of the night. It was so much fun! Click here to view a larger version.
Seriously, I have so many things to blog it's ridiculous! I am still working through my marathon of sessions from earlier this week... my niece's 1st birthday party, and the awesome Fashion Fight Night II event that I just got home from! I also have two sessions tomorrow at the studio so it's going to continue to be busy, but I can't wait to show you everything!
I never watched this show when it first came out. I was into Grey's Anatomy and a few other shows and even though I heard how good it was, I couldn't bring myself to keep up with another show. Since there hasn't been anything on TV lately, my husband decided to rent season one on DVD. I am officially addicted! There isn't much television programming that we agree on. Most of the time, he is downstairs watching sports and I am upstairs on my computer flipping back and forth between HGTV and Food Network. Very rarely, a show will come around that we can actually watch together!
Paul is my first cousin on my mom's side and he and his wife Tesa are expecting their 3rd child. The sex of their baby is a surprise... could Paul finally get his baby boy? It's an exciting surprise and I can't wait to meet him or her! It seems that so many couples choose to find out the sex during the pregnancy so it's exciting when the mystery is kept alive! I have experienced both ways and I definitely thought it was much more exciting when we didn't know. I just in love with the moment when the doctor announces to the room, "It's a boy!" or "It's a girl!" It gives me chills just thinking about it. :)