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Sunday, May 20, 2007

Spring Photo Shoot Event

The event was a huge success! I finally had the weather on my side. I was a little nervous on Friday because they kept saying 40 or 50% chance of rain... well wouldn't you know it was sunny and in the 80's all day long. In fact, in the afternoon it got rather HOT!

I know you all were expecting or hoping to see the photos from all of the sessions today, but as it turns out, the long day in the heat really took its toll on me and I spent most of the night and Sunday aching and in pain! My poor back and all of that lugging around heavy cameras. But it really is KILLING me not to be able to show them to you all! Honestly!


Anonymous said...

Those cameras did look heavy! We all understand - we (including Norm the dog) were all exhausted after just our 1/2 hour out in that sun and business, I can't imagine all day!

Laurie said...


I mentioned that to Angie yesterday - how heavy those cameras looked.

Thank you again for a great session - I'll patiently await pictures.


Anonymous said...

Hi Olivia -

Just wanted you to know how much fun the girls & I had on Saturday! I'm sure it was a long one for you - you really put your heart into it, that's clear to see! Hope the much needed rest helped you regain your strength for the week! Take care and talk to you soon.
