What I thought would be me bringing Jean over some dinner ended up turning into an impromptu birthday celebration! Andy's family ended up stopping over with a homemade cake as well as her befriender and he brought over a cake as well! Within 30 minutes of me being at her house, she had received 3 different phone calls from people wishing her a happy birthday and apparently her phone had been ringing off the hook all day long. I sure hope if I live to be 87 that I have as many thoughtful friends and family caring about me and remembering my birthday! I think she ended up having a wonderful birthday celebration.
My dinner I made for Jean at her request... I'll post the recipe on my other blog soon:
Andy's dad got her a digital photo frame and has spent the past few weeks going through old family albums and scanning photos for her frame. It was so awesome to see old vintage photos from the 1940's and 50's. The photos were amazing and some of them had outstanding quality. That is the biggest bummer with the digital age today. 95% of my personal photos are on my computer and I doubt that I'll even have photo albums to show my kids someday! I need to think old school and start putting together some albums! Where would I even begin?!
I also need to remember to shoot just plain old pictures at get-togethers too! I am usually focused on getting those artistic close-up candids that I often forget to just capture the big picture and what is going on around me. I especially loved seeing photos of Jean's old houses and their living rooms/furniture. I'm conditioned to hate shooting with clutter in the background but looking back at photos it's quite interesting! It all just really inspired me to think differently from now on!
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