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Sunday, February 28, 2010

Oliver's Birth Announcement

This is Oliver's official birth announcement. I found this hat on Etsy and fell in love. I spent a week brainstorming what to do with the announcement, then it hit me! Since it was a cupcake hat, the birth announcement HAD to be a recipe card! I was so excited, I had it designed in one night while I was still pregnant. I photographed him when he was just 4 days old.

See the white blanket? Well, originally I intended for him to be naked in the photograph, but two minutes into shooting he decided to poop! He was so content and I didn't want to disrupt the peace (I had spent all morning getting him happy!), so I just kept shooting and folded up the blanket to cover the mess. Now that's a story to tell him someday. :)

Here are a few shots taken when he was 6 days old. He's still a bit jaundiced in the photos.

This shot is truly a gem. He was sleeping on the couch and I happened to have my camera sitting there. I picked it up to get a shot of him sleeping and he suddenly smiled like crazy! I think he was having a good dream!
The boys love having him around and are always asking to hold him. Aidan especially loves to cuddle with him. They've been such good helpers and they look forward to playing with him when he gets a bit older.
Life at home with Oliver has been great so far! He's a very good baby and is pretty much only fussy when he's hungry. Feeding him, however, has been a full-time job! It's been 6 years since I've taken care of a newborn and I forget how demanding their schedule is. I thought they were supposed to sleep all of the time? :) I don't have much time between feedings and being sleep deprived so the computer, dishes, and everything else just has to wait!

Thanks for sticking with me and I'll try to update more often (as my schedule allows). Thanks for all of the well wishes! We are truly blessed to have him!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Introducing... Oliver Robert Wagner!

He's finally here! I went into labor late Saturday night and he was born early Sunday morning.

Meet my new little Valentine:
He's absolutely perfect and we're all doing well resting at home. I want to thank my wonderful nurses at Queen of Peace Hospital for helping me with my recovery. It's been a rough road but I was finally able to get some photos of him before we went home. Here he is!

I am so in love and completely blessed! What a wonderful Valentine's present! As for the contest, I don't have much time at the moment to look through the entries but if you think you won please contact me.

Sunday, February 07, 2010

No baby yet!

I'm officially 39 weeks tomorrow and this little guy could show up ANY day now! I'm starting to get uncomfortable so I. am. ready.

It's such a mix of emotions, we have all our preparations made so I am excited for him to get here but I also know there are big changes ahead so I am trying to relax and enjoy this time.

I will definitely keep you updated and of course will post pictures so you can meet him! Thanks for checking back!
For those of you wondering when I'll be back to work, I will start to take a limited number of sessions in March and April so feel free to shoot me an email to set something up. I expect to be back in full swing by May. Hopefully all of this snow will be melted by then!